Poszukiwani dostawcy z sektora metalowego

Szanowni Państwo,

W imieniu hiszpańskiej firmy produkującej podłogi techniczne poszukujemy na polskim rynku producentów i dostawców elementów metalowych ze stali galwanizowanej czy pokrytej systemem e-coating, które hiszpańska firma mogłaby zastosować w swoim procesie produkcyjnym.

Poniżej znajdziecie Państwo wstępne warunki współpracy.

Jeśli bylibyście Państwo zainteresowana współpracą z hiszpańskim odbiorcą, prosimy o kontakt z naszym warszawskim biurem: EXTENDA Andaluzja Eksport i Inwestycje Zagraniczne: tel. +48 22 617 84 08, e-mail: extenda@extenda.pl



Requirements for outsourcing.


We are a Spanish company that is looking for companies to outsource the production of some of our parts.

We are looking for companies within the metalworking sector that have stamping, embossing, cutting machines, folding machines, welding machines, etc … They must have between 10 and 50 employees, with experience in outsourcing minimum of 5 years, with a production capacity to process more than 500,000 pieces per year. The size of the pieces are between 5 to 60 cm.

These pieces will be in steel and with galvanized protection processes or through e-coating protection.


They must have experience to work with international companies, since the import would be done directly by transport from their production plant to the central warehouses of our group in Spain.


If you are interested in being able to start an evaluation process to obtain a subcontracting agreement, please send us the profile of your company as well as the equipment, machines and facilities that you have. We would ask you also examples of some pieces that you are currently working, and if you can provide the data of your clients as a reference it would also be interesting to know.


We will start an evaluation during the next 2 months to reach a final agreement with the start of processes and production. During this process, some details of the types of parts to be manufactured will be sent.
